Touching Life At Christmas Programme 2023

TLC – Touching Lives @ Christmas 2023

TLC – Touching Lives @ Christmas is an outreach that holds on the Christmas day in villages and other areas where people do not have much access to the gospel. Christians take their food, refreshments and various gifts to such villages; eat and offer medical and welfare services to the villages and use those opportunities to preach the Christ of Christmas.



Date: 25th December
Venue: Designated Villages Around Your City.

For the past 22 years, several believers, spread over many nations and countries under the umbrella of THE KINGDOM PROJECTS (TKP) have been God’s instrument of helping people to find peace with their Maker. This is done by taking the good news of the birth of Jesus to the people who have not heard it before or have not heard it in a detailed manner as to be able to make any intelligent decision on whether to accept Christ or not.

God has tremendously blessed this noble effort with testimonies of salvation, deliverance, transformation, raising of disciples for Christ and planting of Churches in many villages, in many countries. The statistics below is the result of the effort of men and women who on Christmas day 2022, laboured to help young and old, men and women find peace with their Creator.


  • Start Date: December 25, 2023
  • End Date: December 25, 2023
  • Website: